Zack Curry preached about holiness and reminded every Christian that it would give their message authority.
Zack Curry
The senior pastor of Jesus Culture San Diego, Zack Curry, spoke about the impact of a life of holiness. According to him, holiness gives a person’s message authority. It causes Christians not to just appear different, but rather to speak a distinct message. “Our message is Jesus is worth it all. He’s worth our entire life. That what He did for us was so glorious. It’s worth everything we are and yet it’s not words that need to communicate this message, it’s our life,” he emphasized.
Then, he elaborated that words are often cheap, but the way Christians live would declare and bring authenticity to God’s message. He believed that it wasn’t about what they say, but rather about how they live. For him, it was about the impact that stems from a life of holiness.
Furthermore, he quoted what C.S Lewis said about experiencing the fullness of God, “How little people know who think that holiness is dull when one meets the real thing it’s irresistible. If even 10% of the world’s population had it, would not the whole world be converted and happy?”
He explained by sharing an analogy of how bankers differentiate genuine money from counterfeit money. Zack mentioned that they would study not counterfeit bills but authentic currency. He continued by explaining that in living a life of holiness, authenticity would arise when a person encounters the real thing.
Furthermore, he discussed that holiness was a distinguishing characteristic of a believer’s life that brings forth and represents an authentic encounter with the living God. He emphasized that a Christian’s life wasn’t meant to merely echo what surrounds them but to be a clear voice in a world that is in dire need of Jesus.
Lastly, he remarked, “We’re called to look like Jesus. A life of Holiness. Walking out of our true identity is what brings authenticity, a marker, a picture, and understanding. So people can say, look at your life, and it points to Jesus. We’re called to be light in the midst of darkness.”
Watch the full sermon here.
Reference | Jesus Culture San Diego
Header Image: Jesus Culture San Diego. (Screenshot). (2024). Devoted: The Impact of Holiness, Retrieved March 25, 2024 from: