Here’s this week’s line up for Standing Together:
Monday, Mar 21st GOD TV President, Ward Simpson shares an exhortation he originally gave to the GOD TV staff about the paths the Lord will lead us on in our journey with Him. Have you ever wondered how you got off course in your walk with the Lord, and how even the good things in life have not brought you the peace & joy you’d hoped for? Then this Standing Together is for you!!!
Tuesday, Mar 22nd Emma & Fergus are joined today by Andy Flannagan, Director of Christians in Politics. Andy is such an encouraging voice here in the UK, and clearly outlines our biblical mandate along with some key practical insights that will equip us all to become more involved in our local communities…and perhaps even in our national political life. This Standing Together will surprise you and encourage you in many ways.

Wednesday, Mar 23rd J. John & Killy join Fergus & Patricia today on Standing Together to discuss John’s new book, How Do I Pray? (based on the Lord’s Prayer). Like so much of Canon J. John’s writing, it’s a deceptively simple but deeply profound book about the power of prayer…and not just for children, but for us all. If you’ve ever struggled in your prayer life, then this Standing Together…and perhaps even this book is for you!
Thursday, Mar 24th It’s not often we get to meet our heroes, but in this ST, Fergus gets to spend time with fellow Scot and Christian broadcaster, Sheila Walsh. Sheila shares with great candour about the struggles she faced at the start of lockdown, and how the Lord encouraged her to write her latest book, Holding On When You Want to Let Go! A must watch Standing Together…
Friday, Mar 25th Pastor, evangelist & teacher Jorn Strand has a passion to bring the Gospel to the Nordic countries. In this Standing Together, Ps Jorn joins Claire & our own Nordic RD, Edward John to share his passion, and offer insight as how we can all walk in God’s will for our lives. Ps Jorn also takes time to pray over the needs of the GOD TV Family around the world…