Be Transformed
God said to be transformed by the renewing of your mind (see Romans 12:2). How do we get our minds renewed? His word and Spirit are at work in us to transform us. This is a process dependent on our submission and obedience to His word. Our spirit is born again and does not need transformation. However, our soul needs to be redeemed (1 Peter 1:9). This is where most Christians fail to walk the talk. We think because we are born again in the spirit that there is no need for any further work. The work of sanctification by the Spirit is ignored or not heeded. We, therefore, operate as we did before in our soul realm. No wonder most of us are no different from the world.
Seated in heavenly places
God’s word says that we are seated in heavenly places in Christ (see Eph 2:6). This is where we are seated but we operate from our soul realm. We need to operate from the spirit realm to be transformed. Could this be the reason why we face so many difficulties, trials, temptations, and disease? In the spirit realm, we are protected from demonic interference and distractions. We are one with the Lord. How much time do we spend in the spirit realm? I must confess that most of the time I am operating from the soul realm and therefore don’t see much change.
Holy Spirit
God has given us a new spirit and He has placed His own Spirit within us. What more can God do? Yet like the Israelites who saw and experienced many miracles, we too choose to walk according to the flesh. Romans 8 gives us a way out but we prefer to struggle as in Romans 7. God satisfies the hungry and if we hunger and thirst after Him, we will be satisfied. He will transform us but we hold the key to the speed of transformation. When we operate from the throne room of God we will see the rapid transformation. Lord help us to spend more time with You in Your throne room and be transformed more quickly.