Will you look at the fullness of my glory, how perfect I am? The earth is not perfect and there is, there is gonna be worse things happening in the earth than what mankind has ever seen. The Bible says that. If the Bible says this, it’s true, but you have to read the right mail, because on the other side of it, it says that we are to arise and shine because our light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon us. And there is half of a verse, half of a verse in Isaiah 60, half of a verse under the entire chapter that says, “Darkness will cover the earth and gross darkness the people.” It is important to understand that, but it shouldn’t be all consuming.
What should consume believers is the environment of heaven, that we get to bring into the earth. Now we have to know there’s darkness cuz we’re supposed to expel it. That’s why heaven’s laughing. That’s what’s supposed to be fun. So I was all confused. It was all serious for me. You gotta watch it because you know this is happening, that’s happening, you know. And then you read in the Bible things like the judgements of God, and we think, hoo, what are the judgements of God? Is God gonna come and beat me up? Is He gonna come and destroy this in my life? Is He gonna destroy that? Is He gonna ruin that? God is a good God and He judges for us, not against us. You understand that? His judgements are awesome. No Christian should be afraid of the judgements of God. He’s gonna judge systems that are keeping people from coming to know Him. And if you are in those systems, if you are in the midst of ungodly systems and they crash, you’ll be delivered out of them. And that should make you happy. Amen? Unless you love the system, then it’ll be an owie. Amen?
Do you understand what I’m saying here? You see, if you love money, for example, if you love money, it says the love of money is the root of what? All evil. And so if you’re driven by the love of money, if everything you do is to get more money, money, money, and it’s your idol, and then God judges the system, because I’ll tell you, there is no money in heaven. You won’t find it. You don’t need it. You won’t find it. You won’t find money in heaven. It’s not there. It’s nonexistent. Is there gold? Yeah. Translucent, gold streets, everything. Is there everything you need? Yes. Is there abundance? Yes. But there’s no money. So if you put all your trust in money, you’re gonna be very disillusioned in the day when you stand before Him, because you can’t get into heaven with that money. It can’t buy you into heaven and there is no money there.
So the very thing that you spend your love on in the earth is nonexistent in the place where you’re gonna spend all eternity. That’s laughable. And so God is, by the way, He is gonna destroy that system. In fact, in one hour, Babylon will be judged. In one hour. Fire’s gonna go to it and it’s all gonna burn up. Now it says in Revelation 18 that when that judgment comes, there are gonna be people on the earth that are gonna cry. They’re gonna stand on the shores watching Babylon burn and say, “Waaaaa!” You know? Everyone that bought and sold and traded, “Waaaaa! It’s all gone!” That’s because they love that system. But you see, the reason why God has to judge that system is because it’s holding people in bondage. And we can’t come into the fullness of the glory unless it is judged. He judges for us, not against us.
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