The focus of our time together today will be on the value of honor. I’m going to read Proverbs 25:2 to you today, but from two different translations. The first is from the One New Man Bible translation. It says, “It is the honor of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.” The second is from the New King James version and it states, “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.”
The two are practically identical, but one uses glory in place of honor. Does this make sense? You might ask. Well, Webster’s dictionary tells us that the two words are synonymous. In other words, to honor something is to glorify it. When we honor God, we are glorifying Him. When we honor, when we give honor to our parents and elders or our teachers, we’re also giving them glory. I personally believe that honor is one of the pillars that the Kingdom of God stands upon, and is vitally important to our Father. Jesus constantly honored the Father. He did what He saw the Father doing, and He said what He heard the Father say. But honor is not just for the exalted ones. Honor is meant for the righteous who occupy all the stations of life. It is meant for the righteous janitor of the company that diligently and with pride keeps the office spotless, as it is meant for the righteous CEO at the pinnacle of the company. The church usher who has served loyally for years, deserves as much honor as the learned and wise senior pastor of every church.
It is such an honor to honor others and in doing so, we bring glory to our magnificent Father who deserves it all. Lord, I thank you for the insight and revelation that you’ve given us, Father. Especially about honor and how to honor, Lord, and in honoring you, we glorify you as well. And Lord, we thank you, Lord, for the opportunity we have to give honor to one another, Lord, to praise you and to honor your service, Father. Lord, we thank you. We praise you and we thank you, Lord, for all you’ve done and all you do, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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