Thoughts on taking Holy Communion
Beni Johnson grew up partaking in Communion on the first Sunday of every month. She knew that communion was important to all Christians who believe that Jesus gave Himself up to be sacrificed. As she writes: Jesus had instructed us in 1 Corinthians 11:23-26. “This cup is the new covenant in My blood, this do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.”
I loved the tradition, but I didn’t fully realize how powerful the sacrament was. Throughout the years, though, I have come to recognize that “in remembrance of Me” carries a level of authority of which I was previously unaware.
Communion should be taken with thankfulness, somberness and celebration. As I take the bread and the wine, I consciously bring all three of these thoughts into my moment of remembrance. Obviously, we should all be beyond thankful for God sending His Son. And the fact that Jesus said “yes”—coming to earth as a man and staying up on the cross on the day He was crucified—is a stunning reality. It is worthy of our thankfulness.
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In addition to gratitude, I try to take a moment and connect with the physical pain and, most devastating, the abandonment that Jesus felt when His Father had to turn His back on His son due to the heavy, horrible sin that Jesus was carrying. Taking that moment to experience the somberness of remembrance is important in keeping our hearts connected to how much He loved us. Finally, we come to Communion with a heart of celebration because Jesus died and He rose again on the third day. Taking the sacrament, we are celebrating that—once and for all—the great sacrifice was made that shifted the atmosphere forever.
Taking communion is a tool of warfare. Communion is powerful. It is aligning ourselves with the reality of Christ crucified and resurrected. Sin and sickness have been defeated. If we grab on to this power, there is breakthrough available in every area of our lives: freedom and salvation, life and healing.
One of my favorite thoughts on taking communion is that, every time we take communion, we remind the devil that he has lost. That is one powerful tool. My husband says, “The devil only has power in our lives where we give him permission.” When we take communion, we actually say to the devil, “You can’t have control of my life because you’ve lost. I’m pulling your source of power.”
Taking communion is something that I partake in several times a week. I don’t relegate it to once a month anymore. It’s good for my spirit, my soul, and my body. It is a practice that keeps my spirit connected to Jesus. I take it for the healing of my body. I take it in remembrance of Him.
No more going through religious motions, discover how you can experience every benefit that the body and blood of Jesus made available to you today. For more information read the new book from Bill and I, The Power of Communion.
Bill and Beni Johnson
Bill and Beni Johnson are the senior pastors of Bethel Church in Redding, California, and serve a growing number of churches that cross denominational lines. They are both bestselling authors, Bill of When Heaven Invades Earth and Hosting the Presence, and Beni of The Happy Intercessor. Located in Redding, CA
The Power of Communion by Beni and Bill Johnson is published by Destiny Image and can be purchased using this link!
GOD TV also offers a dynamic e-course from Beni entitled Healthy& Free where you can receive practical and easy-to-implement steps to begin walking in health right now!