Wow! How is this possible? Yet this is what the good news of the Gospel is all about. Adam sinned and this led to death affecting all creation. God created all things good, but through sin, all were subjected to a death sentence with eternal damnation. Jesus came as the perfect sacrifice to reverse the death sentence and grant us eternal life. This is the great reversal and those who experience this reversal continue to bring life to all around them. Where once strife, lack, and destruction prevailed, now love, life and health prevail. This is the greatest news ever to be broadcast, yet few believe this and so continue on the path to death.
In the Gospels, Jesus teaches us to do the opposite of what we naturally would do: for example, to turn the other cheek, to give the extra coat, and to love those who curse us. Grace replaced law and now grace abounds so that many can come into His salvation. What manner of love is this that a man would lay down his life for another. Only the love of God can do this. Now is the time to implement this great love as we reverse the order of sin by love. Love came into the world to save the world from sin. In these last days, it is the love of God that will sweep the world and reverse the hatred and coldness of the heart.

God’s end-time message is clear. He wants to gather as many as would come into His arms of love. Love will never give up and thus God pursues us until the end, presenting Christ as His answer to the sin problem. Now we can receive His salvation and be set free from the law of sin and death and enjoy life. Come to the river of life and be set free from death and inherit eternal life in Him. I am so thankful He called me to taste His life.