A few years ago, I struggled with self-worth. How God could love me in the middle of my imperfections, failures, and flaws? I couldn’t see beyond that moment in time, and I gave myself an identity of “not good enough” based on those experiences. I’m thankful God brought friendships into my life to speak the truth about how the Father sees His children, each as a masterpiece. Now, I want to share those same thoughts with you.
Hearing the Truth
The truth spoken to me on one particular, pivotal day was simple: we see the junk in the situations of life as we’re working out our salvation, our unfinished state; but God sees the complete timeline and us as fully restored. Yes, He knows about the messy stuff, and He cares deeply about the pain and brokenness. However, He doesn’t call our identities by those situations; but instead, He sees who we are becoming.
Painting a Masterpiece
As I thought about how to share this topic with you, I imagined watching an adept artist paint a picture. The first phase of the painting is a blank canvas, carrying the promise of something imagined to come but not yet realized. Next, the artist adds simple swirls, shapes, and lines, appearing disorganized, without purpose, or simplistic. As the painting progresses, the intentional construction of the design begins to appear, but it’s only when the artist adds the final touches that you can see the awe-inspiring beauty of how every detailed stroke of the brush makes up a masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10).
You are the Masterpiece
You are God’s masterful painting. You may only see the chaos, but be encouraged! In the middle of whatever situation you’re facing, rely on Him to guide you. He has a plan for your life, and He doesn’t see failure when He looks upon you. He sees only love and has a purpose for you that He will work out for your good (Romans 8:28-29). When you look back at the road you’ve been walking, you’ll see His hand. You’ll see the baby steps you’re making in progressing towards who you really are, and you’ll see a masterpiece coming together.