Although the political and social climate of the USA has become outlandishly combative and divisive, God remains in control. The hate is unhinged and violent darkness is increasing, but we are witnessing a supernatural acceleration of Godâs glory, and we are standing on the brink of a history-making revival. Â We are living in exciting times! A war cry of intercession and worship has pierced the heavenlies, and a catalytic shift is occurring in the Body of Christ.
Rise, believers! This season is not one of complacency or neutrality â quite the contrary. God is positioning and shifting His Church, and we cannot afford to lose heart in this hour. Â We must recognize the need to turn our gaze from all distractions, and ready ourselves for what the Holy Spirit is about to unleash! God is calling His people as a catalyst to shatter the darkness. He is not looking for superstars but servants who are willing to step into the unknown places ablaze with His Glory. Â Jesus does not need to share the stage with anyone and is searching for the humble hearts who will carry His anointing without jeopardizing the integrity of the Gospel. He is calling His children off the elevated platforms, out of the limelight, and into the obscure places of society where His name is the only one lifted high. He is searching for ministers so hidden in His presence, that when others look, they can only see His reflection. Â
âHe must increase, but I must decrease.â (John 3:30)

It is impossible to serve God and serve ourselves at the same time. Although the Internet has created extraordinary opportunities to share the Gospel with the world; if we are not careful, we will become prey to the temptation of enlarging our name and eating off the fat of fame, while avoiding the darkness. The plethora of bait on social media luring us to engage in mindless chatter and arguments are costly distractions that we cannot afford. Â Social media is inundated with temptations to build our own kingdoms and secure our influence. The number of followers we have online does not determine the anointing or calling upon our life or the impact God has called us to have.
The disciples argued over who was the greatest? Are we guilty of the same? Â
Are we missing the greatest in our midst? The world desperately needs to see the Savior and not our popularity contests or our theological debates. We should seize every opportunity to share the Gospel, but we need to keep our motives in check, or we will stumble and cause others to stumble with us. Why are we trying to sell the anointing as if we own it? Why are we putting our names on every post as if wisdom comes from us? Â Jesus instructed and demonstrated true servant leadership and paved the path of humility. Are we on that path?
âVanity of vanities,â says the Preacher;Â Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.â (Ecclesiastes 1:2)Â
Birthing pangs of revival are breaking forth, and the clarion call has sounded. The battle intensifies, but the intercessors and prophetic voices are calling Godâs people to a catalytic shift. There is a spiritual formation taking place, and God is setting the stage for an unprecedented move of His Glory such as the world has never seen.
âArise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples, but the Lord will arise upon you, and His Glory will be seen upon you.â (Isaiah 60:1-2)Â