Hispanic AG Churches in America are experiencing youth revival by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Hispanic AG Churches
In an interview last week, evangelist Mario Maurillo believes “that the wave of revival in the Latin churches in America is going to end up being the most forceful spiritual awakening that we have. It will transcend anything else.” The recent Lifeway Research Hispanic Church survey data will be confirming that prophecy.
The Assemblies of God took part in this survey. The findings in this survey is revealing that Hispanic churches are a young and growing community. It also has a great promise for future growth. Dennis Rivera, director of the Office of Hispanic and Ethnic Relations for the AG, explained how AG churches have a huge impact on the survey results.
“The Assemblies of God is viewed as a leader among Hispanic Protestant churches in the U.S.,” he said. “We have nearly 3,000 churches and have been involved in U.S. Hispanic ministry far longer than most Protestant denominations.”
Lifeway Research Hispanic Church survey
According to survey data, 38% of Hispanic congregants in the AG were under 30 and another 37% were between ages 30 to 49. This indicates that the Hispanic church in the U.S. is not aging out. Dennis believes that they are seeing a great awakening happening in their churches today.
“We’re young and vibrant,” confirms Rivera. “In fact, I believe that the Hispanic church, especially in the Assemblies of God, is growing far faster than official numbers indicate. I’ve wondered if the next Great Awakening hasn’t already begun only we’re not as aware because it’s happening in the Hispanic and other ethnic immigrant churches and communities.”
Youth Revival
Dennis also believes that these Hispanic churches are empowering the next generation to share the Gospel with the world.
“We have a young, growing, Spirit-filled Hispanic AG church that God has been quietly nurturing and blessing for decades,” he said. “I believe we’re now seeing signs of that church maturing and preparing to explode in growth and influence as this next generation of Hispanic young people is empowered to take the gospel to the world.”
Reference: Charisma News
Header Image: (2023). AG Youth [Photograph], Retrieved March 30, 2023, from: https://ag.org/