A Christian content creator urged believers in his podcast message to “stop being complacent.” He encouraged Christians to take a step of faith and trust God, even if they can’t see the whole picture.
Content Creator Spencer Nakamura’s Message
Christian content creator and speaker Spencer Nakamura shared with his followers his thoughts on avoiding complacency as followers of Christ. In a short clip he posted on Instagram, he shared his insights and explained them with a Biblical reference.

Spencer Nakamura [@spencernak]. Content Creator. Instagram, 7 Jan. 2024, https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1xoBeJvmxg/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
“The Holy Spirit can’t guide someone that isn’t moving,” he explained. “God will give the dream. And He doesn’t give step by step 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. He gives you the dream, and He oftentimes gives you step one, biblically.”
A Lesson From Joseph The Dreamer’s Story
The content creator then highlighted Joseph, the dreamer’s story in the Bible. In Joseph’s life, God didn’t reveal every step to him. But despite that, Joseph trusted God in the painful process. One could see his zeal for the Lord as he remained faithful to Him in every season of his life.
“I wonder what Joseph’s reaction to God would have been if God said, ‘Hey I gave you this dream. Now, check this out and check out how it’s going to happen. Your brothers betray you. You go work for this guy and his wife lies and says that you tried to sleep with her. Then you get put into prison for years. And it’s not only until after that that you actually the fulfillment of the dream comes.’ I feel like Joseph would be like ‘Nah. I think I’m good, I don’t know if that’s worth it.’”
Words Of Encouragement
With that said Spencer challenged his listeners.
“You’re discouraged because you want to see the whole dream in front of you,” he said. “Before you actually step out in faith and chase the dream that God has given you in your heart. Perhaps God doesn’t show you the whole dream because if you saw the process and the pain and the journey in order that it takes to get there, it would deter you from actually wanting to start on the journey.”
Watch Spencer’s message in the video below.
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Reference | Instagram – Spencer Nakamura
Header Image: Spencer Nakamura [@spencernak]. Content Creator. Instagram, 7 Jan. 2024, https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1xoBeJvmxg/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link