Albaner C. Eugene Jr. recently shared a powerful word about forgetting the old and embracing the new. He emphasized the key verse, Isaiah 43:19.
Albaner C. Eugene Jr.
According to his website, Albaner C. Eugene Jr. is the founder & president of Let’s Move Nonprofit Organization. He has a burden to see people experience true peace and find true rest & relief.
Recently, he shared a powerful word about letting go and embracing transitions in life.
“I think it’s time to let it go. Like you’re moving to a whole new place, you’re in transition, I know it’s scary. I know it’s uncomfortable. I know it feels weird, I know you don’t know what’s coming next. And I know you feel like you’re losing a lot but remember, you’re gaining so much more in this new place, in this new thing,” he said.
Forgetting the Old and Embracing the New
Furthermore, he said that everything God does is beautiful, and that there is something special in what He’s doing.
“But it’s important that you make room for it. And this is what God has to say when He’s ushering in transition, when He’s ushering in a new season, when He’s moving you from an old place to new place: “Do not remember the former things.” So powerful,” he quoted Isaiah 43:18.
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” (Isaiah 43:18-19, NIV).
“Do You Perceive It?”
When God’s doing a new thing, He knows what He’s doing. The question is, do you perceive it?
“If you’re not aware that something new is coming, you never make room for the new. Although it feels more comfortable to stay in what’s familiar, it’s dangerous and you’re missing out on so much beauty that God has for you. Forget the old, embrace the new,” Albaner C. Eugene Jr. said.
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Reference: thisisalbaner
Header image: Albaner C. Eugene Jr. [thisisalbaner]. Instagram, 6 November 2023,