“L’Chaim / To Life” – This is the way the Jewish people toast each other on happy occasions. It may not be appropriate in connection with Holocaust memorial but the underlying sentiment is there, the preservation of life is central to the Jewish faith.
To commemorate Israel’s Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Day, Yom HaShoah on May 2, 2019, we bring you this message on the importance of life from Scott Volk of Together For Israel.
In this video recorded earlier this year on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Scott shares how there have been many demonic plots to wipe Israel off the map just as there is to steal the lives of unborn children. As an example of this, he refers to the way life has been endangered by the State of New York approving late-term abortion. (New York State Passes ‘Death Star’ Legislation)
Scott also teaches us the Hebrew word, “Chai” which means life and how Jewish people toast to life – L’Chaim. He shares how God is the God of Life and how much He values life. He is our Life-giver and desires that we may have life and live our lives in abundance.
The March of the Living
As we embrace life, let us remember all who perished in the Holocaust and make every effort to be a blessing to the living. The photo represents a new generation who will not forget, Together they march for the living at Auschwitz, one of the most notorious death camps. The marches take place annually in Poland around the time of Yom HaShoah and also in Jerusalem.
From the survivors of the Holocaust to the new generations of Jewish people alive today let us show them our love and support. Let us pray peace and prosperity in the Land of the Bible.
“Pray for peace in Jerusalem. May all who love this city prosper.” (Psalm 122:6)
See: 5 ways you can stand with Israel and the Jewish People
Bless Israel
Scott leads Together For Israel, which has a mandate to provide for believers in Israel (both Arab and Jew) as well as bring awareness to the Church regarding God’s heart for His people.
Since 2016, GOD TV has made it a mission to bless the children of Israel by building playgrounds in underprivileged areas as part of our Bless Israel campaign. These playgrounds, built in partnership with Together For Israel are bringing joy to children of all backgrounds – Jewish, Arab and Christian alike. Find out more.