Miriam Evans thought that God hated her. She said that since she had done things that weren’t pleasing to God, He wouldn’t listen to her.
But that changed when she received a miracle.
The Diagnosis
When she was in her 20s, Miriam had a neurological disorder that caused the left side of her face to be completely paralyzed.
“And if you know what it’s like to be in your 20s, image really matters. I had overcome eating disorders. I had overcome so many things that just really discouraged me in my image,” she said.
Because of her condition, she didn’t want to meet new people. She was self-conscious and embarrassed to talk to people. Not only that, she also had to learn a new way of eating and a new way of drinking. Because when she tried to drink any type of liquid, it would run out of her mouth down to the side of her face.
She Thought God Hated Her
As a young girl, she was really afraid. “Thank goodness I met a group of believers in Jesus, and I went to church, and the leaders of the church said, “You know what? Let us pray for you. We believe in supernatural healing. We believe that Jesus can heal you of this neurological disorder,” Miriam recalled.
She then described what happened: “I remember the pastor calling me up, and they were saying, “If anybody here needs healing, go ahead and come up to the front.” Well, I was too afraid to walk up to the front. I just sat there, and honestly, at that time, I didn’t even know if Jesus liked me, much less loved me enough to help me, so I just sat in my seat.”
She Thought God Hated Her, But He Healed Her
But Miriam got called up in front and received prayer. The leaders gathered around and prayed for her and anointed her with oil.
Miriam’s thoughts were elsewhere. She wasn’t concerned if she would be healed or not.
“I’m going to be very transparent with you. The only thought I had in my mind was that these people do not know how much sin is in my life. These people do not know what I have done or what I’ve been through. I don’t even think God likes me. I’m not even sure if He’s going to heal me. And I was like, “I’m probably just going to break out on my face because of all the oil on my skin,” she said.
God’s Miracle
After they prayed, Miriam did not notice any difference. She went back to her seat and just went to bed when she got home. But later that week, she woke up in the morning and noticed that when she went to brush her teeth, the water did not pour out of her mouth. She regained strength in the muscles in her face. As the days went on, God completely healed her!
“I didn’t have the paralysis that I was experiencing. I noticed that, “Oh my goodness, the prayer actually worked. And so, I’m sharing this story with you because I want you to know that the price that Jesus paid on the cross is enough for you. It’s enough for me. And if you’re watching this story and you are sick in your body in any capacity, it could be a head cold, it could be cancer, or it could be paralysis. It’s easy for Jesus to heal you because He already paid the price on the cross over 2,000 years ago,” she said.
Reference | Supernatural Stories
Header image: Miriam [Supernatural Stories]. YouTube, 12 August 2023, https://youtu.be/5wQ8ZyipvY0