Many were amazed by the ongoing Asbury revival, but there are also skeptics. But what does a theology professor say about this?
Theology Professor Dr. Jason Vickers
In a recent post on Instagram posted by @revivalfuel, Dr. Jason Vickers, a theology professor, visited Hughes Auditorium at Asbury University. He holds a doctorate in theology, has written more than 10 academic works, and is presently an instructor at Asbury Theological Seminary.
According to the post, “He visited Hughes Auditorium, and after immediately blacking out for 10 minutes upon entry, this is what he had to say:
The manifestation of God’s holiness, which in this case was, to my mind, a manifestation of sheer peacefulness, was of such a quality that even the most fleeting contact with it is enough. Don’t mishear me. I completely understand why so many people want to linger. I did, too. But the peacefulness in that place is so palpable that a mere ten minutes had made an impression that will last the remainder of my lifetime.
“How Un-wild the Whole Thing Was”
On this account, the theology professor further highlighted his personal take and deeper insight on what happened.
Two things stood out to me. First, there was a noticeable lack of tension in my body. I was completely relaxed. There was also a complete lack of mental tension or distraction. My mind was at utter peace. And I had only been there for ten minutes.
The second thing I recall thinking is that I could sit here in this chair forever. The desire to linger indefinitely was quite unexpected. I had planned to pop in for a few minutes before returning to work. Suddenly, work was the farthest thing from my mind.
I wound up staying for well over an hour. In the time that I was there, I could not get over certain distinctive qualities about the atmosphere. The words that came to mind were: gentle, sweet, peaceful, serene, tender, still. Some people were singing. Others were talking. Many were praying. But there was something like a blessed stillness permeating the place. No one was swinging from the chandeliers. In fact, it was right the opposite. What made this so wild was just how un-wild the whole thing was … is.”
Some people visited the place out of curiosity. Others, out of concern for the younger generation, while few are skeptical.
But when people go there with an agenda to be spectators, then the whole point is missed. Because the goal has always been Jesus and to be more hungry for more of Him.
When we allow Jesus to take the highest throne in our lives, then maybe revival doesn’t have to be an unusual and surprising event. But it’ll be every day, usual and regular, where we see Him move powerfully without so much effort from us.
Let’s Pray
God, whatever You are doing in our lives and in the world today, we receive our portion. Have Your way, as You bring heaven here on earth. Amen.
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Header image: Dr. Jason Vickers [@revivalfuel]. Instagram, 14 February 2023,
Reference: Instagram | Revival Fuel