One of my favorite verses is Philippians 3:13-14:
“Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
For me this verse encapsulates what 2019 and onward should be, it is the summary of the winning attitude every Christian must have: Persistence and Consistence.
These two are a double threat to the enemy, who loves to accuse and have Christians cower in shame and defeat.
As Paul said, we need to press toward the goal, eye on the prize, brothers and sisters, no matter the ups and downs, valleys and mountains of life. When we feel pressed on every side, when we disappoint ourselves, when we sin and feel downtrodden and far from the savior, raise your eyes and keep your stare on the prize. Do not look at the failures, do not listen to the accusations.
As a popular old Christian song goes: when a soldier falls down, in the army of the Lord, he will rise again in the army.
We fall down, but the persistent soldier gets up every time. After every fall or set back- GET UP!
Persistent and Consistent.
Persistence and consistence. These are key words we need to meditate on, as the verse says, forgetting those things that are behind. Let the past go, let the past failures go, even if you backslid, repent and get up, soldier. A living dog is better than a dead lion. As long as we have breath there is hope. Be persistent in your walk with the Lord, Jesus has paid the ultimate price, don’t let the accusations of the devil keep you tied down in sin, wallowing in self-pity.
Rise up, Soldier!
Persistent and Consistent. The word of the Lord is a light unto our path, bread for our spirit, we need to be consistent in the study of the word.
The word is everything for the Christian, the source of wisdom, revelation and understanding. Let us not set ridiculously ambitious study goals, which end up destroying our confidence and setting us back when we fail. Goals to read the whole bible in days, are overambitious, these goals make it more about self-achievement and pride than quietly sitting at the Master’s feet.
Like the person who wants to loose a 100 pounds, it’s not an overnight achievement; it’s consistency in exercising, losing pound after pound, slowly but steadily.
Verse after verse, paragraph after paragraph, let it be about studying the Word and embodying it in all its fullness. Not rush to finish reading, but a hunger to breathe in every word.
Let us be consistent in daily prayer and studying the word.
Persistence and consistence, my key words for 2019! Victory belongs to Jesus. May the grace of our Lord Jesus help us be persistent and consistent in 2019 and beyond.
If you were encouraged reading this, get more from my book The Princess Code: HERE