Sway with Me
“Sway with me,” the seagrass echoed.
As the gentle, warm waves washed over my body, I was delighted to snorkel around this patch of seagrass amid the white sandy bottom. The soft current caused each blade to move with grace, delighting my soul most profoundly. The serenity of such a scene has solidified itself in my memory and heart.
Many days when worshiping, I hear the Lord say, “Sway with Me like the seagrass.”
It is a call to let His character’s gentleness bring out the gracefulness in me.
He calls me to dance with Him and sway as He sways in this day and age according to His eternal, ancient paths (Jeremiah 6:16). He never changes, and neither does His instruction from generation to generation (Hebrews 13:8).
David Swayed as Well
I imagine the Shepherd of Israel receiving a glimpse of the beauty of the Holy of Holies. Oh, it wrecked the Old Covenant for him!
Day in and day out, David composed songs and ministered to the Lord! Yes, David danced, sang, plucked His harp, and remained in the most secret and beautiful place ever to exist.
When God whispered, “Sway with Me,” David didn’t hesitate.
He forgot about the cares of the world, the desires of his flesh, and focused only on One person, his Saviour and King.
There was the ruddy man, sitting in the presence of the Most High, under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91:1), delighting in His company and gentleness. The current of God’s Spirit covered David as his heart magnified the Lord (Psalm 34).
Why is the Swaying Important?
The seagrass was stagnant on its own and no movement and life could come from it unless the waves touched them. To move with the waves resulted in what appeared as effortless coordination.
As the seagrass surrendered to the current of the ocean, they were the visible display of the unseen beauty of the swirls of current I could not envision without them. They were surrendering to something much more powerful than they and allowed a visible display of magnificence.
And I’ve come realize that “sway with Me” is more than a call to enjoy the Lord’s presence. It is an opportunity to release His glory effortlessly as the Holy Spirit directs the movement (Zechariah 4:6).
It is simply all three cords of time, eternity, kairos, and Chronos coming together to honour only one person: Jesus Christ.
A Call to Sway
As I write this, I cannot help but think of the Shulammite. The young woman whom the Great King wooed. Surrendering to the fire of her love for the King, she personified the most extraordinary love story in all eternity.
The King called for her to sway with Him and be the graceful gazelle that only He can bring out. As they swayed in worship and dance, the story ended to signify a beginning: Forever united as one!
Like she, the Lord calls for us to sway with Him in the power of the Holy Spirit, uniting ourselves to Him forever!
Arise, My darling! Come quickly, My beloved, be the graceful gazelle with Me. Come be like a young stag with Me. We will dance in the high place of the sky, yes, on the mountains of fragrant spice.
Forever we shall be united as one!