Don’t settle for less than what you were created for! Be encouraged in maximizing your God-given opportunities for influence. And watch how far the ripples spread. This is the premise of a new book, Ripple Effects by Pam Tebow, the mother of sporting legend, Tim.
Pam serves as a missionary in the Philippines along with her husband Bob. They run an orphanage there while leading the Bob Tebow Evangelistic Association. Ripple Effects she says “encourages people to use their God-given influence to eternally impact the world.”
Writing the foreword for Ripple Effects, Tim Tebow says “As you read this, you’ll be encouraged that God can use you, no matter what season you’re in, to affect those around you.” He tweeted:
Next week my mom’s first book releases and I couldn’t be more excited for the world to read it. Pre order now wherever books are sold. #rippleeffects
— Tim Tebow (@TimTebow) April 30, 2019
Ripple Effects
In Ripple Effects, Pam shares how she never expected her family name to become known around the world as she has quietly and lovingly served the Lord Jesus as a missionary. However, “her consistent, everyday choices to follow God started creating unexpected ripples of influence throughout her family, community and world.”
In this book, Pam explains how she intentionally taught her kids to develop strong character. She also shares how to walk in unconditional love, while highlighting some of her most challenging moments in life and how she held on to her faith no matter the circumstances. Tim says that his mom is the key behind his success.
You can read the first chapter for free and pre-order Ripple Effects at