“I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.” (1 Corinthians 1:10, esv)
“There is coming a second wave of the Charismatic Renewal in our generation! We are about to see blacks and whites brought together by the power of God! There is about to be an explosion of Glory that will be leaked into every denomination. The racial walls are coming down in this final outpouring of God’s Spirit. We are going to see the Baptist church catch fire like never before. The Glory of God is about to invade the Lutheran church. God is tired of the racial, and denominational division in the body of Christ.”
This is what I heard God say to me.
The Charismatic Renewal—the day when God began to baptize those in the Catholic Church and those outside of the traditional Pentecostal church with the Holy Spirit— was truly one of the most impressive, barrier-breaking moves of the Spirit. This revival has grown and continues to grow in this present day. There are over 150 million Catholics that have been baptized with the Holy Spirit.1 Catholic Holy Spirit–filled priests are walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, praying for the sick and calling for deliverance. Even though this move has divided and shifted the dynamics within the Catholic Church itself, it has built a bridge in uniting different denominations through the baptism of the Spirit.

Pope Francis prays during a Pentecost vigil marking the 50th anniversary of the Catholic charismatic renewal – CNS photo/Paul Haring)
God said in Joel 2 that He would pour His Spirit out on all flesh—not just on one particular denomination, but on every denomination, whether they are Baptist, Methodist, or Catholic. The Holy Spirit spoke to me concerning this revival, and He said He was going to flood every denomination with His Spirit. He told me that in this next move of the Holy Spirit, denominational barriers and racial barriers are going to be destroyed. We can not see unity in our generation separate from the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. There is such a separation of culture, every race worships in there own culture a streams. The same goes for denominations. This is ending; God showed me that the walls were about to fall.
God is raising up cultural reformers to challenge the way we have done ministry and church. We are about to see a increase in multicultural ministry in the body of Christ. I believe the Charismatic Renewal anointing is being resurrected in our generation! The Charismatic Renewal is the greatest evidence of God’s plan to unite all of His people by the power of His Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is not just for Pentecostals; the early church started as one body of believers. For generations, we have been divided by doctrine and culture which has pushed many away from the faith because of our pride. Are you ready for a cultural reformation? We have had all one color on the pulpit and in our conferences for too long. God is calling for a cultural collision and Charismatic shift!
Source: CNS