James Finke shared a story that powerfully reminded struggling Christians about the nature of God.
James Finke
Christian author James Finke discussed a beautiful story that his wife shared about a group of women studying Malachi 3:3. It is written, “He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver. He will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver. Then the Lord will have men who will bring offerings in righteousness.” The women were puzzled and wondered about the verse’s meaning regarding the character and nature of God. One of them decided to explore the process of refining silver and promised the group to share her findings in their next Bible study.
Eventually, she called the silversmith and made an appointment to observe him work. The woman watched as he held the silver in the fire and heated it up. He explained, “When you refine silver, you’ve got to hold that thing right in the hottest part of the fire, right in the middle because that’s how you burn away the impurities.” Then, the woman contemplated how God held His children in such a challenging situation. She recalled the verse in Malachi and personally witnessed an illustration of how God would purify His people.
Purifying the Silver
Furthermore, she asked the silversmith if it was true that he needed to sit the entire time to watch the silver being purified. He answered, “Yes, not only do I have to hold it here in the hottest part, but I have to keep my eye on it the whole time. Cause if the silver’s left in the flames for just a moment too long, It’ll be damaged.” Moreover, the woman sat for a minute and asked another question, “How do you know when the silver is fully refined?” The silversmith smiled and said, “That’s easy. When I can see my image in it.”
James reminded struggling Christians of God’s close watch amidst worldly challenges.
Watch the full video here.
Reference | James Finke
Header Image: James Finke [@authorjamesfink]. 3 Purifying the Silver. Instagram, 29 January 2024, https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2p156BOlX3/