An off-duty Border Patrol Agent has assisted a laboring mother in delivering her baby boy in a public bathroom. Despite the circumstance they were in, the officer was up and ready to help those in need. He was positioned at the right place and at the right time.
Off-Duty Patrol Agent
According to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection report, Border Patrol Agent George Huertas was a trained emergency medical technician (EMT). He was also a member of the Border Patrol Search, Trauma, and Rescue (BORSTAR) team in San Diego.
Last May 15, Huertas and his family participated in a charity event called Miracle Babies Superhero 5K. He was an active member of the preborn baby community since his son was also birthed prematurely. They had to spend three months in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU) to make sure their baby boy would live.
But this time, Huertas gave back the care he received from their premature baby. He took care of the mother giving birth in a most unlikely place – a public bathroom.
Delivery of the baby boy
As Huertas and his family were preparing to leave, his sister informed him of the laboring mother in the nearby public bathroom. As a trained EMT, he rushed to the aid of the mother.
Although the place was not the ideal sanitary location, Huertas used whatever was available to provide the utmost safety for the baby. At the time, he used the rubber gloves provided by the janitor.
When the baby boy was out, he stimulated the baby and initiated breathing. Then, he wrapped him in a blanket, cleaned his face, and delivered him to the mother.
Huertas did not leave the new mother and father until proper medical staff arrived on the scene.
Michael McEwan, acting commander of San Diego BORSTAR, commended Huertas’ efforts and bravery. “If you know George, you know he is too humble to bring this up for attention,” he said. “He only told a group of us in passing during muster and downplayed the whole incident.”
“George responds to those in need on and off duty. He is a strong advocate for those under his care,” he added. “He truly embodies what it means to be a BORSTAR Agent and lives our moniker ‘So Others May Live.'”
Reference: The Christian Post