Pastor Logan and Elise Justice encouraged individuals who were navigating challenging seasons, reminding them that the Good Shepherd was by their side.
Pastor Logan and Elise Justice
The lead pastors of Church of His Presence Young Families, Logan and Elise Justice, shared powerful encouragement on the GOD TV Standing Together show. They joined Fergus Scarfe in discussing the moments when they faced difficulties in life. Pastor Elise emphasized the utmost importance of remembering that God is their Shepherd, even during the darkest times. She highlighted the significance of nurturing a personal and individual relationship with Him.
“Even though we go through those valleys and those dark times, we can remember that He is with us,” she shared.
Furthermore, she expressed the notion that it is easy to lose sight of the proper perspective when facing struggles. Thus, it becomes vital to recall God’s promises, including His assurance to never abandon or forsake His people.
Following this, Fergus inquired about how Logan and Elise ministered to one another as a couple. Logan responded by explaining that there were moments when he felt weak and relied on his wife’s strength, while other times he needed to be the source of strength for Elise. However, he emphasized that God remained faithful throughout their journey.
Meanwhile, he also shared the truth written in the bible, “When the rain comes, it will rain on the just and the unjust.” He elaborated that trials would come, but people could either set up a tent and stay in a valley or go through the valley.
The Good Shepherd
“David said, ‘I’m going to go through the valley of the shadow of death,’” he said. Moreover, he also added that David needed fresh anointing to pass through the valley.
Afterward, Elise shared that one of the most significant actions she took during challenging times was to pray for her husband. She recognized the importance of releasing and surrendering Logan to the Lord while firmly believing that God would work in his life.
Eventually, Logan encouraged the GOD TV family, especially those who were struggling. “You may feel alone… but the bible says that He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother… The good Shepherd is right there beside you,” he remarked.
Watch the inspiring video here.
Reference | GOD TV
Header Image: GODTV (Screenshot). (2022). GODTV, GOD TV Standing Together. Retrieved January 3, 2024 from: