God is Calling You! How Will You Answer?
Revivalist Randy Clark, expounds on an element of grace with a fresh perspective. There are a lot of people talking about “hyper-grace” these days. You might have heard the term used in the pulpits on occasion. God is calling us by His grace.
Randy continues to discuss how God calls us by His Sovereign grace, nothing more. He calls us, in spite of our own shortcomings. A major reason is so He can get all the glory. We can’t do it without Him.
The “Call” is by grace, but with that call comes responsibility. With that call, it starts in grace and justification comes in the process of sanctification.
Sanctifying grace is the process by which God takes each of us and turns us into who He wants us to become.
Sanctifying grace is a part of grace. Sanctifying grace is the process of God taking us by the hand from where we are today, to where He wants to take us tomorrow and the next day. Sanctifying grace is the process by which God takes each of us and turns us into who He wants us to become.
Randy’s passion for the word of God really comes across in this video. Specifically when he’s explaining the process of sanctification, “It’s a work of grace, not law. It’s the process of God cleaning us up and removing darkness from our lives. He’s going to take out of us the walk that’s unholy. He’s going to remove the walk that’s unrighteous. It’s the work we cannot do on our own. It’s the kind of grace that requires us to confess our sin.”
The power of sanctification is the ability for us to actually walk in grace instead of bondage.
This is the kind of grace that some are losing sight of – sanctifying grace. The power of sanctification is the ability for us to actually walk in grace instead of bondage.
How is sanctifying grace present in your life today?
What life circumstance is God using to mold and sculpt you into the vessel He’s called you to be?