A wife pressed in and asked God desperately for her husband’s conversion. When she was about to give up, God showed up.
Xenia’s Story
Xenia was born in New York but grew up in El Salvador when her parents got separated. She was raised by a single father along with her other three sisters.
In her words, he became her mother and father.
But as the years went on, her father remarried and had more children. His loving demeanor toward Xenia changed, and he became abusive.
Because of this, Xenia moved to the United States to live with her mother. And there, she got involved in a gang lifestyle.
She recalled that her first encounter with Jesus was when she was eleven years old. It was after she read the book “The Life of Jesus.”
“When I finished reading that book, I was in love with the Lord. I felt so much love with Jesus,” she said.
She Prayed For Her Husband’s Conversion
But because of the new lifestyle she embraced, Xenia got pregnant at the age of sixteen to her 17-year-old boyfriend. She was pressured to abort the baby, and she did because of the overwhelming fear she was facing.
Down and broken, Xenia tried to conceal the emptiness she felt. And so, she fell into the trap of a wrong relationships again and got pregnant with a different man.
And she chose to have another abortion.
Time went by and she married a different man and had a daughter.
In the midst of all this, God used others to bring back Xenia to Him. A relative of her husband invited her to church, and she encountered God’s grace and peace that surpassess understanding. She was also inspired by the moving of God in her daughter’s life.
“Her testimony brought me closer to Jesus. The desire to follow Him more,” she said.
From then on, she embraced God’s forgiveness and lived to serve Him.
Her Husband’s Conversion
But her husband was still embracing the lifestyle she had left. She prayed and fasted for his conversion.
One day, Xenia called her husband and asked him to join the prayer meeting. But he declined because he wanted to have fun doing worldly things.
She remembered saying to God, “This praying and fasting is not working, Lord. I’m done with this guy, it’s over. I’m not doing this anymore.”
The next day, her husband showed up to the prayer meeting. She thought that he only did it to make her happy. But he testified about encountering Jesus so strongly.
“I see him going to church with his Bible, very early in the morning. He was on fire! And ever since that day, he never stopped going to church,” Xenia said.
She couldn’t believe it and God reminded her: “Weren’t you praying for this? Weren’t you praying and fasting for this, for his conversion? There you go, here it is.”
Now, her husband is serving the church as a pastor. To God be the glory!
Reference | Delafé Testimonies
Header image: Xenia [Delafé Testimonies]. YouTube, 6 October 2023, https://youtu.be/f9koRFMCTzM