A boyfriend and a husband are actually quite different. Some single ladies view these two words as interchangeable. However, if they knew the real difference between these two titles then they would probably start looking for a husband rather than a boyfriend.
A boyfriend isn’t necessarily a long-term relationship. They often feel content with who they are and they might not seek for emotional and spiritual growth. Boyfriends don’t always have any intentions to start a family. On the other hand, a husband prepares himself to become the person his wife deserves. He is preparing himself to become a healthy person inside and out. When his wife sees him, she will see the manifestation of her prayers to God. He is committed to his wife and he is responsible enough to lead his wife closer to God.
There is also the concept of “boy mentality” that ladies needs to consider. A boy mentality thinks that, “Everything will be okay as long as we have each other”. And that is not a healthy mindset, he needs to shift his perspective. He must understand that He needs to think with a “husband mentality”. That means he needs to consider the state of his finances, physical health, mental health, emotional health, and most of all, spiritual health.
We have to understand who we are dating. Are we dating someone with a husband mentality or a boyfriend mentality?
Watch and find out the difference between the two:
Credits: Shareeff De La Cruz