An entire tribe in Nagaland, north-eastern India renounced their killing tradition and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
The Konyaks are the largest Naga ethnic group in north-eastern India, according to Wikipedia. This formerly unreached people group used to have a tradition of beheading their enemies as a trophy until a Christian missionary fearlessly came and shared the Good News of the Gospel with them.
Konyaks: Headhunters
Members of the Konyak tribe were once headhunters. They compete with each other for an enemy’s head. And the first person to win will gain power in the community. Hence, they go to neighboring villages just to hunt heads. After chopping their heads, they would get tattoos on their faces. These tattoos symbolized victory and prestige in their belief system. But this all changed after an American Christian missionary bravely came to Nagaland.
Christian Missionary Introduces Jesus To Entire Tribe
When the missionary first came, the Konyaks resisted. But after seeing the life of a Christian, they eventually embraced and worshiped the God of the Christians. Until almost the entire tribe accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Hence, they turned their backs on animism and traditions that were deemed sinful.
Today, 90 percent of the Konyaks have embraced Christianity. They no longer kill each other, nor attack other villages for their own prestige. Instead, after knowing Jesus, these former headhunters now live in peace with their neighbors.
One Konyak testified that hearing the Gospel and reading the Bible totally changed him. He said, “I changed my mind when I heard preaching from a pastor. And when I read through the Bible, these things changed my mind.”
If not for the obedience of a faithful follower of Christ, the Konyaks wouldn’t have had heard the Good News of Jesus Christ. They were once blinded in their sinful ways, but now they found their way home in peaceful living with Christ.
How amazing is that?! Glory to Him alone!
Reference: National Geographic