A tribe in India is abandoning witchcraft, occult practices, and sinfulness to accept Jesus. Hundreds of Hindus are turning to Christ as revival sweeps through their small town.
Revival in India
In Rajasthan, Pastor Dinesh Shur is witnessing a mighty move of God among his people. He admitted that he was initially hesitant to return to his community after a decade of service in the big city. However, God touched his heart and instructed him to share the Gospel with his hometown.
Pastor Dinesh told CBN News, “I was like Jonah in the Bible. I didn’t want to live in my village. I wanted to serve God in the city where things are easier.”
He continued, “I wanted to reach others with the gospel, not my own people.”
But if Pastor Dinesh had not obeyed God, he would not have witnessed the immediate transformation that the Bhil tribe, to which he belongs, is experiencing.
He said, “The transformation is almost immediate. Families stop praying to their ancestors, they stop drinking, they stop their witchcraft practices. Their entire life is turned upside down when they accept Jesus.”
Hundreds of Hindus
One of the testimonies that led many to Jesus is the story of Jeevani Karadi. The 65-year-old church leader was once a mentally unstable woman wandering the streets. However, after receiving prayer from Pastor Dinesh, she was healed and transformed. Encountering Jesus, she now leads a thriving church in their community. Jeevani’s miraculous healing astonished many in the village, leading most of them to believe in Jesus.
Presently, they have established 42 house prayer groups in 22 villages, with 32 church workers traveling from village to village to spread the Gospel of Christ. Over the past decade, the Bhil tribe has been a significant part of the 300,000 believers in Indian communities.
“Today I’m living the fruits of my decision to come back to my village,” Pastor Dinesh said. “Is it easy? No. Do we face challenges? Yes. But we have Christ to lean on. He is all we need to see change among my people.”
Reference: CBN News
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