Hercules star Kevin Sorbo recently shared his powerful encounter with the late evangelist Billy Graham with CBN News’ Faithwire. “It was so moving for me; I remember it very vividly,” he said.
Hercules Star
The Christian actor has played roles in faith-based movies, “God’s Not Dead” and “Left Behind.” But the 64-year-old actor has been vital in his faith since he was young.
“I’ve been a Christian all my life,” he told the media outlet. “I grew up in a very strong Lutheran family… my parents are strong believers.”
And in his teenage years, he recalled having “an awesome pastor” who impacted the young Kevin. “We had a thing called The Room on Wednesday nights, so after basketball practice, football, whatever, … you go to The Room.”
And inside the room, they would hang out and discuss the Bible with the pastor. “That was kind of huge for me,” he shared.
When Kevin was 13, he attended a conference where the late Billy Graham spoke. He went to listen to the anointed evangelist but unexpectedly met and talked with him.“I remember because I did something I normally wouldn’t do,” Kevin recounted. “I was a good student… but I was never the guy to raise my hand.”
He added, “I won’t go ‘pick me, pick me’. I never did that.” However, when Graham asked participants from the 250,000 attendees, Kevin raised his hand on that day. He then cut through the crowd to get in front.
The volunteers were asked to sit down to be prayed for by Graham’s team. “All of a sudden, a hand went on my head, and I turned around, and it was the Reverend Graham.”
Kevin had a little chat with the evangelist, and he was also prayed for. The actor admitted that the moment forever struck him.
His story with Billy Graham made it inside the book “Chicken Soup for the Soul: Billy Graham & Me: 101 Inspiring Personal Stories from Presidents, Pastors, Performers, and Other People Who Know Him Well.”
“It’s just such an honor to be part of that,” he said.
Today, Kevin is one of the actors in the film industry who aims to produce positive and faith-filled movies.
Header image: Kevin Sorbo [@ksorbo]. Kevin Sorbo and Ryan Gosling. Instagram, 5 Feb 2021, https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpc9TTlHAdr/?hl=en
Reference: FaithWire