I was treated as an outcast by my Father from birth and though society perceived my family as well to do, we were poor in the perception of the true nature of reality, of what this world beheld.
Being treated as an outcast from my early childhood , every time I faced rejection, I blamed myself for my misfortune and accepted condemnation for over 40 years. I was one of the most successful sportsmen the island presented, but inside me was a torn and broken spirit.
When the civil war ended in 2009, I became desperate to witness what 27yrs of war had done plus the massive devastation the 2005 Tsunami had had to the East Coast.
What I witnessed were millions who represented the real me. Standing in the physical, but shattered and fallen in Spirit. Social rejects, not by their own means, but by the circumstances that life had brought them to.
As a sportsman, one is trained to bare pain and turn it into gain and that is what I believed in. But at the age of 38yrs the pressures of being a father to a 5year old and with one on the way, an unhappy working environment finally hit me and suicide seemed to be the only door that presented itself to me.
It was at this moment I met the Lord in a Witches Coven experience where He appeared to the Witch and commanded her to release me from the powers of darkness. Being suicidal I still felt this was the only way out until I met, by the grace of the Lord, a pastor who worked with my broken spirit and showed me for the first time ever, that there was light at the end of every dark tunnel. I battled with him for 2 yrs before giving g my life to Christ and have never looked back.
Feeding Hungry Homes
As the Director of Marketing for the five star Marriott chain I have visited many places and found more broken and destitute people that resembled the old me.
In 2017 the Lord prompted me to start feeding street families that were homeless and the support I got from my friends was overwhelming.
Thus,Feeding Hungry Homes was born. For the last three years we have fed over 600 families and worked with the pastors in different districts who register people in dire situations.
Robert Cummings once viewed the Madonna & Child painting. His opinion was that there were many areas of the painting that seemed out of order. Then he realized that it was not meant to be viewed in a museum, but was meant to viewed by one on their knees in worship. Once on his knees his perception of the painting shifted and he could see the perfect a work of the Master.
Likewise, when we view the world in an attitude of worship to G-D, everything looks and will feel different.
I apologise for the long reply, but to understand my view of the world and the birth and progress of Feeding Hungry Homes, I wanted you to understand me and how I’ve come to see the world, when I got on my knees.
Be Blessed,
David Nicolle, Regional Director
GOD TV Sri Lanka