There is one disease I forgot to mention I had in the past. It’s called “please like me disease”. It’s debilitating and painful and the side effects are just horrible. If you find yourself suffering from this dreaded disease, don’t despair, read on there is help!
For too many years I worried and fretted over what everyone thought of me. Knowing that someone did not like me felt very much like the end of the world to me. My self-worth and self-esteem seemed to teeter on what a certain person or persons thought about me on any given day. God does not want our foundation of “self” built on such shaky ground, He wants His love and His view of us to be felt deep within us, and in Deuteronomy 28:13 it says He has made us the “head and not the tail” so we should think and act accordingly.
The real game changer for me was something I heard the wonderful preacher Joel Osteen of Lakewood church share over a decade ago. When I heard this revelation, I knew I was free. That life changing gem was that 10% of people will not like you! Or me! It doesn’t matter how nice we are, how giving, funny, smart, or helpful, they will not like you! Now that we are armed with this information what should we do? Do we spend our energy proving to the 10% why they should like us? Or does it sound less self destructive to spend our energy on the 90% that adore and cherish us?
Recently someone I knew demonstrated in a not so subtle way that they did not like me. Did I brush it off and mentally put them in that 10% category and move on? Eventually I did, but momentarily my mind was tempted to forget everything I learned. For about one week I set out to show this person why they should like me. Do you see how nice I am? How cool, and funny, and flexible I am? You don’t? Then I need to try harder! After much prayer, I realized that not only did I not particularly care for this person I was trying so hard to convince to like me, but that I was not handling it God’s way. At that point everything I learned came flooding back to me and I was able to neatly pack them away into my 10% file and walk away.
We tend to view these set backs in our life as negative (and of course we do, they hurt!) But I have learned to pause and let God fight my battles. When I do this something good always seems to follow. What good came out of this you may ask? It made me more appreciative of my 90% that are for me. I set out to strengthen those relationships as a result and so in the end it was a blessing! Pastor Joel has also talked about a particular palm tree that will completely bend over from the strength of hurricane winds and just when you think that tree is dead it springs right back up. The miraculous thing is once it has been bent in this fashion, it was proven that the tree was even stronger and sturdier as a result! Much like we are from our adversities.
Here is something else to keep in mind, remember my story “Are you a Chicken or an Eagle? Those 10% that don’t like you are just the noisy clucking chickens. Surround yourself with eagles and you will not care what the chickens think of you. If you missed that story click here “Broccoli Cheese Soup & Are you a Chicken or an Eagle”
- 1 cup tapioca flour
- ¾ cup almond flour
- 1 stick grass fed butter (softened)
- ½ cup monk fruit or xylitol
- ¼ tsp vanilla extract
- dash of salt
- 3 lemons
- 4 eggs
- ¼ flour (1/8 cup tapioca flour and ⅛ cup almond flour)
- ½ cup monk fruit or xylitol
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all ingredients for CRUST and mix well until you form a dough. Place this dough in a round or circular oven safe dish. No need to grease the dish due to the butter. Pat down until the dish is covered with the crust. Bake crust for 10 minutes. In a medium size bowl zest one lemon and add the juice of all 3 lemons, Add remaining lemon filling ingredients mentioned above. Once crust has baked for 10 minutes pour lemon filling on top of crust and bake for 20 minutes. Filling will stiffen once cooled. Cool in refrigerator for a least one hour before cutting into circles with a cookie cutter or you can simply cut into squares. Top with sugar free confectionary sugar if desired.
Erin’s book can be found here – A Journey from Chronic Illness, Brokenness & Junk Food Junkie to Wholeness & Wellness. If you suffer from auto immune disease, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, candida, food allergies, acid reflux, depression, and more…this book is an eye opener! This is not your grandmother’s cookbook. In Eat Pray Get Well, Erin invites you into her journey from a childhood filled with rejection and emotional abuse to chronic illness into her adult years. She shares how God used both of these debilitating tragedies to reveal His grace, healing, and blessings in unimaginable ways. Eat Pray Get Well is entertaining, inspiring, and most of all will help you gain the tools needed to help heal your body and soul. All recipes are free of gluten, wheat yeast, processed sugars, peanuts, and follow the Kaufmann diet.
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