A faith-based movie made for the skeptics and the doubters titled “Gun and a Hotel Bible” is now showing.
Gun and a Hotel Bible
“Gun and a Hotel Bible” is classified as the first faith-based film for the skeptics and doubters. It is not your typical faith film when it comes to its story. The creators want to tell a message to their viewers that God can handle all our feelings and questions no matter how strongly we express them.
On January 5, the film became available on global digital HD internet, cable, and satellite platforms. The indie film written by Bradley Gosnell and Daniel Floren won seven awards in the LA Live Film Festival.
Faith-based film
The film tells a story of a “desperate man” (Pete) who’s on the verge of a violent act and his encounter with a personified hotel Bible (Gid). The movie creatively explores themes of betrayal, spirituality, and loss as Pete comes face-to-face with everything he once believed in. Pete and Gid are relatable and at times even humorous as they bond and battle while dealing with their inadequacies. Can Gideon sway Pete before Pete pulls the trigger?” the synopsis reads.
Questions about faith
The film is directed by Raja Gosnell and Alicia Joy LeBlanc. Bradley Gosnell and Daniel Floren will be performing the lead roles.
“The film isn’t for the little ones, but for educators who feel their students are ready for mature conversations about faith,” film directors said in an interview. “’Gun and A Hotel Bible’ will be a fun resource, which is why we created a conversation guide to aid these discussions. College students, (maybe) high school students, and young adult groups will have a lot to chew on as they wrestle with the hard questions of faith and God.”
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Reference: The Christian Post