Did you know that stewardship, godly stewardship brings increase in your life? Are there things you’re wanting to increase in? Whether it’s knowing the word of God more or getting a promotion at work or getting a new car? I’m here to tell you there is one key piece to that, and that is stewardship.
How are you stewarding the car you have now? How are you stewarding the job you have now? How are you stewarding your time with the Lord right now? I want to read in Luke 16:10-12. I’ll quote it to you. “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much.” That’s huge, right? Let’s just even take that in. “And whoever is dishonest with very little, will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own?”
I think of, in verse 12, you know, renting a house and “Oh well, it’s not mine, so I don’t need to take care of it.” No, you need to take care of what you’ve been given, so the Lord will trust you with more. I think back on a time where I was in a job that I really did not enjoy. I really loved the company, but I did not like what I was doing, and the Lord really kind of gave me a humility check. I kept saying, “Oh, I hate my job.” I would even think it in my head. And He said, “Hey, what if you said you loved your job?” And so I was like, “You’re right, Lord.” And so I started saying, “I love my job. I love my job” anytime I would feel frustrated about what I was doing. And then what happened was, God gave me a love for that job, and I stewarded what He had given me. And then what happened is, after month of doing that, someone from the company came to me and said, “Would you apply for this position in my team? You pretty much have the job already.” And it was a promotion, and it was a much better job for me.
And so I want to encourage you in that, that is who God is. It’s not just a specific story for me, but it’s the way that He works. And we see it in scripture and we see it in our experience in life. So steward the things that you are doing today. Steward cleaning your house, steward going to work, steward going to church, steward parenting your children in godly stewardship, and I promise it will bring increase.
And so, Lord, I just pray over my friends right now. I pray abundance. I pray favor, and I pray a blueprint on what godly stewardship looks like. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
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