Our nation is still reeling from the shootings in El Paso, TX, Dayton, OH and my city, Virginia Beach, VA. My friends and fellow Christians here banded together taking prayer, prophecy, healing and miracles to the grieving streets. And now, with what has taken place in El Paso, an 11-year-old boy is being used by God bringing something good out of bad events.
Faith wire reported, “Following the devastating shooting Saturday in a local Walmart, claiming the lives of 22 people and injured dozens more, 11-year-old Ruben Martinez is encouraging every El Pasoan to do at least 20 good deeds in honor of the lives cut short by the deadly massacre.” Ruben’s mom, Rose, posted on her Facebook timeline the “El Paso Challenge.” It has been shared over 3000 times:
Chris Castaneda, a resident of El Paso, posted, “This courageous young man came up to us at Taco Bell. And he challenged us to make El Paso a better place. The challenge is to do 20 good deeds in memory of the 20 who were killed in the Walmart shooting. I challenge you to fulfill this challenge and share this on your page to challenge others #ElPasoCHALLENGE.”
The World Will Be a Better Place
People across the United States are positively responding to Ruben’s challenge. A person posted, “Florida needs to take the El Paso Challenge!” Another person is calling Ruben a, “little angel.” People from coast to coast are doing good deeds for others thanks to him. What the enemy’s meaning for evil is turning around for good by an 11-year-old boy!
Developing anxiety after the shooting, Ruben was not wanting to walk into stores due to the Walmart shooting. His mom was saying, “I explained to him that we could not live in fear. And that people in our community are caring and loving. I told him to try and think of something he could do making El Paso a little better.” Ruben was then inspired to take dinner to local first responders.
Rose was saying, “He seems to be doing better. And he says that hopefully, the world will be a better place with all these random acts of kindness.”
Take the “El Paso Challenge,” today!
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