Each of our lives tells a story unique from any other and our experience defines who we are as a person. It’s important that we discover who we are through our stories!
Our Story
Andy Frost shares how our lives tell a story unique to others and how powerful God’s story is. When we want to discover our own story to tell, we have to first discover our meaning and purpose.
“If you want to look at the story each of our lives is telling, we need to explore some bigger questions about life, about meaning, about purpose,” Andy said.
Small Stories
Some of us tell a story of security, happiness, or changing the world. Our story depends on what we think our purpose is. Each stories in our lives defines who we become.
“Each of our lives tells a story, if our story is too small, we define ourselves incorrectly,” he added.
Big Story
The greatest story of all is written in the Bible and it is the story of God’s love for us. By aligning our life purpose according to the Scripture, we begin to tell a bigger story – the truth of God’s love through Christ.
“It isn’t just a list of rules and regulations, but ultimately, it is a meta-narrative, a big story. And it helps us define who we are,” Andy emphasized.
Discover Your Story
We are not accidents, we are created by God with a purpose.
“We are not just some cosmic mistake, we are created with a purpose and a meaning. Our identity is not in these small stories but in a God who creates us and who loves us,” he added.
So choose the story that God wrote for you. Choose to accept Jesus Christ and be defined by a greater story.
“When we choose to accept that forgiveness that Jesus offers, our story suddenly changes, his bigger story frames our story, inspires us to live differently and it guides us along the way.”
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Reference: YouTube | GOD TV