More than 200 Georgia teens surrender their lives to Jesus Christ as revival swept through the state right before 2020 ended.
God is powerfully moving in Swainsboro, Georgia as revival sweeps through the state. Hillcrest Baptist Church hosted Swainsboro Revival services right before the year 2020 ended. According to evangelist D. R. Harrison, the event’s featured speaker, over 200 people surrendered their lives to Christ. The majority of those who came to Christ are aging between 13 and 20.
“The pastor called back earlier in the year and invited us to come, and they’d been praying and seeking the face of God, and from the first service, the Power of God began to fall in this town,” Harrison shared. “And literally, teenagers are coming from everywhere, from all backgrounds, social statuses, high school, middle school, and the church is literally packed out with teens every night, searching for hope in Jesus Christ.”
Georgia Teens
Some of those experienced radical change to their lifestyles as they laid down their pasts at the altar.
“We’ve experienced kids laying their drugs on the altar, their vapes on the altar, and then immediately after getting saved, going out and standing on the streets, holding signs, saying, ‘Jesus loves you,’ ‘Jesus changed my life,’ ‘Come to Revival and help yourself’,” he shared. “I mean just it’s unbelievable what God is doing in these young people in this town of Swainsboro, Georgia.”
Swainsboro Revival
The revival services in Swainsboro started in December 2020 and are still currently happening. On January 11, the Hillcrest Baptist Church services will be held outdoors in a large tent. Truly, God is moving in this town mightily as more and more people are seen coming to him.
“I’ve never personally seen God move among young people like he’s doing in this town … It literally is amazing to see,” Harrison said.
Read also: ‘God’s Not Dead 4’ Starts Filming In January 2021
Reference: Christian Headlines