Dating isn’t supposed to be viewed lightly, contrary to many approaches to dating these days. You have to pray and prepare for it, and wait patiently for God’s perfect time. It isn’t just some game that you can use a trial-and-error attitude towards, without putting some standards to who you will marry someday. Marriage should be the primary goal when you date someone.
Nowadays, a lot of women say godly men are hard to find. You can spot a lot of christian boys in church but only a few of them are truly pursuing the desire to become like Christ. For this reason, millennial women should be wise enough with whom they open their hearts.
Milena Ciciotti explains it on her video blog on YouTube. She was recently married in June 2017, to Jordan, a man of God whom she had a 5 year relationship with, and never had sex with him before marriage. Many people ask her how she found her godly husband and she shares some tips for all the single girls out there.
Although Milena gave out some tips on what to look out for, she counsels not to get offended to the silly jokes she included in the skip part of the vlog.
Credit: Milena Ciciotti