Islamist terrorists have already killed over 300 Nigerian Christian in at least seven predominantly Christian villages across Nigeria over the past two months. However, according to CBN News God showed up in the middle of this horrific tragedy, intervening to save the lives of many precious children.
Fulani Militia
“Since February 10, there have been at least 270 people killed in Kaduna State alone,” International Christian Concern confirms. “It has been reported that at least 70 Christians have been killed during a 10-week span at the beginning of 2019 across the other Middle Belt states.”
One Thursday morning in the village of Karamai, terrorists killed 41 people while shouting ‘Allah Akbar.’ The majority of those who were killed were women, children, and elderly people who weren’t able to run away during the attack.
On March 11, Dogon Nomas was attacked by the Islamic Group Fulani Militia. The terrorists were “torching houses, shooting and hacking down anything that moved,” according to eyewitnesses. A total of 71 people were killed and 28 were injured.
On March 16, Nandu Gbok was attacked by the same group killing another nine people and burning down 30 houses.
Boko Haram
Another Islamic group that has been harassing Christian Nigerians is Boko Haram. They recently captured 76 Muslims who turned to Christ. But the fates of these Christians were a testimony of God’s power.
Four Christian leaders were told to renounce their faith and they would be saved. But they remained faithful to their belief. Unfortunately, they were killed by Boko Haram in a firing squad.
God’s intervention
Then their wives were also told to renounce their faith and their children would be saved. That’s when God showed up.
The Lord Jesus appeared to the children of the group that night. According to their claim, the Lord assured them that “All would be well,” and that they did’t have to fear for He would protect them. The Lord also commanded them not to renounce their faith but to stay strong.
“Can you not see the men in white fighting for us?”
The next morning, the children were all lined up to face a firing squad; the terrorist still gave the mothers a last chance to save their children by renouncing their faith. But they all held on to God and refused to renounce their faith.
The terrorists prepared to fire but something happened. They dropped their rifles and started to grab their heads while shouting “Snakes! Snakes!” Some of the terrorists ran off and some dropped dead.
One captive tried to grab a gun to kill the terrorist who ran-off but a 4-year-old child stated something about angels protecting them.
“You don’t need to do that. Can you not see the men in white fighting for us?”
72 Christian captives were about to be executed in a firing squad but were spared when God intervened supernaturally! Truly when we are with Him, then who can be against us?
Read Also: ‘Prince Of ISIS’ Turns To Jesus After Seeing His Blood In A Dream