Christian content creator Rashad Jaquez Vermé remarked that “you will know a fellow believer by their fruits, not their gifts.”
You Will Them By Their Fruits
In a powerful message, Rashad Jaquez Vermé emphasized the importance of looking beyond mere gifts and talents when evaluating a person’s spiritual life. He warned against the common tendency in the body of Christ to judge others solely based on their visible abilities – whether that be preaching, singing, or prophesying – rather than on the fruits of their actions.

Rashad Jaquez Vermé [@rashadverme]. Content Creator. Instagram, 24 Jan. 2024,
Not Everyone Who Calls ‘Lord’
Then, drawing from Matthew Chapter 7, Rashad highlighted Jesus’ sobering words about the ultimate judgment day. In verses 21 through 23, Jesus taught about true and false disciples, explaining that not all who call Him ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven. Verses 22-23 recorded: “Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’”
“That means it doesn’t matter what gifts you have,” Rashad pointed out. “If you are practicing sin, you will not inherit the Kingdom of heaven.”
Hence, regardless of the supernatural gifts one may possess, a life lived in contradiction to God’s Word will not lead to inheriting the Kingdom of Heaven.
Gifting And Anointing
Further, he added, “The Bible says that gifts are given to us by God without repentance. Meaning, you can live like the devil and still operate highly in your God-given abilities. That’s why we have to know the difference between gifting and anointing. Not everyone gifted is anointed.”
“Do they live a life in accordance with the Bible, the Word of God? That’s what the Lord cares about.”
This insightful reflection serves as a reminder to believers to focus on cultivating a life of righteousness and obedience to God’s commands. Rashad’s words challenge us to seek spiritual authenticity and integrity, recognizing that true fruitfulness comes from a heart surrendered to the will of God.
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Reference | Instagram – Rashad Jaquez Vermé
Header Image: Rashad Jaquez Vermé [@rashadverme]. Content Creator. Instagram, 24 Jan. 2024,