Jesus died on the cross and saved you to set you free from yourself.
Todd White
Evangelist Todd White shares a powerful message on freedom and salvation. He started off by explaining what seeking the Kingdom first really means. Seeking the Kingdom means seeking an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. And by doing so, one can become holy and set apart for God.
“When we seek the Kingdom, we’re seeking a relationship with the Holy Ghost,” Todd explained. “So when we seek a relationship with the Holy Ghost, your life becomes holy, set apart. Do you understand that the more you learn, the more you’re accountable for? That to he who is given much, much is required.”
Kingdom of God
Jesus died for you to have full access to the Kingdom of God, for you to become a part of His family. That is how valuable you are to the eyes of our Father, you are worth more than what you think you are. Jesus paid the price because you are worthy!
“Jesus didn’t just die because you’re a horrible sinner. He died because something underneath of that sin was of great value to the Father for Him to pay such a high price to redeem it.”
Free from yourself
Jesus died on the cross for you to be set free from yourself, for you to be set free from condemnation. Walk in freedom because Jesus has made you worthy!
“You are not worthless, that’s like saying the blood of Jesus was worthless. No, you were worth the blood of Jesus. But Jesus didn’t save you just to give you miracles. He didn’t even save you just so you could lead people to Jesus. He saved you to set you free from you. So that you can walk in the freedom of Jesus.”
Read also: Enjoy Your Christian Life
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Reference: YouTube | GOD TV