Frank Turek answers the thought-pondering question: “We can choose to love God, but can God choose to love us? We can choose to because of our free will, but is it just God’s nature to love us?”
Frank Turek
The Christian apologist and author engages in public speaking engagements where he presents evidence of God. His conventions allow all attendees to raise questions about God and the Christian faith. Frank Turek excels at answering those questions in dynamic and understandable ways.
One question asked by a participant captured Frank’s interest due to its brilliance. The man asked, “Does God have a choice when He loves us, or is He sort of bound by His nature to love us?”
Frank replied, “Well, actually, love is bound up in the Trinity.”
Love God
He added that love strengthens his belief in the Holy Trinity.
“That’s another reason I believe in the Trinity because without the Trinity, you wouldn’t have love.”
Frank explained, “If you just have a purely monotheistic being and no one to love, how do you have love? But in the Trinity, you have a lover, a loved one, and a spirit of love. God had perfect unity in the Trinity prior to creating. He didn’t have to create.”
The apologist remarked that some preachers believed God created us because He was lonely. However, according to Frank, God wasn’t lonely.
“He created as a loving being to share His love with other creatures. And so, He did,” he said.
Frank also discussed God’s justice along with His love. He shared, “I don’t know if you would say ‘bound to love.’ I guess you could say that. But He’s also bound to be just in the sense that, since He is the standard of justice, He can’t be unjust. And that’s the very reason Jesus is the only way.”
“I’m the only way because I said so. He’s the only way because there’s no other way to justify guilty sinners unless justice is satisfied.”
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