The founder of Living Waters Ministry reveals the dark secret he kept hidden for 52 years.
Founder of Living Waters Ministry
Ray Comfort sits down with Delafe Testimonies to finally discuss the dark secret that he has concealed from everyone for over five decades. Despite growing up in a non-Christian home, he had a very happy childhood. However, shortly after marrying his wife, Sue, he did something unimaginable.
“When I was about 14, I saw on television a program, a documentary about this hallucinatory drug called LSD. It was hailed as an amazing miracle drug, but it began to get abused and they found that it had terrible side effects. My buddies began using LSD, they tried to talk me into it and I said, ‘No, I’m happy. I don’t need this stuff.’ But one day, I couldn’t understand why I did this and I thought, ‘I’m going to try it.’ I guess it was the power of peer group pressure,” he recalled.

Delafe Tesstimonies [@delafetestimonies]. Ray Comfort. YouTube, January 2, 2024,
Dark secret
He tried a small amount of LSD, and after a few minutes, he began experiencing hallucinations. Ray started to question many things in life.
“I looked up and saw a hallucination of a ladder of the word ‘Why,’ starting wide and getting narrower as it went right up through the ceiling to the heavens. ‘Why am I going to die?’ ‘Why I’m going to lose everything?’ ‘Why is this thing called death going to snatch everything from me that I hold precious?'”
Ray Comfort
Six months after that experience, he gave his life to Jesus and left that dark past behind him.
“I was cut into and for the first time in my life, when I understood that I sinned against God, I understood the cross. I needed God’s mercy, I needed His forgiveness.”
Soon after, Ray Comfort founded Living Waters Ministry, an organization that exists “to inspire and equip Christians to fulfill the Great Commission.” Today, he has finally opened up about his dark past to educate everyone about the dangers of those deadly drugs.
Reference: YouTube | Delafe Testimonies
Header Image: Delafe Tesstimonies [@delafetestimonies]. Ray Comfort. YouTube, January 2, 2024,