A former New Age believer testified about the glorious gospel that saved her from sin and death.
Former New Age Believer
Jac Marino Chen was a former New Age believer who encountered the love of Jesus. She posted her testimony on her Instagram account and boldly shared about the glorious gospel that saved her. She was sexually abused as a child and grew up with a father who was a drug and alcohol addict. Due to this, she turned to self-harm, eating disorders, drug and alcohol addiction, and had supernatural experiences. She wanted to suppress the memories and escape her pain.
Eventually, she found the law of attraction, which gave her a sense of power over her life and the belief that she could control her destiny. Additionally, she ended up in an abusive relationship where she believed that her twin flame taught her New Age beliefs.
“I thought I was ascending. I started finding spirituality to be my new high, my new escape. And I ended up in the occult where I believed I was being led by the entity thoth to Aleister Crowley,” she recalled.

Jac Marino Chen
[@jacmarino]. Former new age Believer. Instagram, February 9, 2024, https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3GX0y6PBUN/
The Glorious Gospel
Furthermore, she began practicing ritual magic and alchemy and ended up being initiated into the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, where she practiced ritual magic in a Freemason lodge. Unexpectedly, it was also the same place where she met her Savior, Jesus Christ. There, she was delivered and received unexplainable peace. Moreover, she highlighted that she was now a new creation.
“Behold, the old has passed away; the new has come. And I desire to testify of who Jesus Christ truly is and the glorious gospel that set me free from sin and death. And has given me everlasting life,” she testified.
Watch her full testimony here.
Reference | Jac Marino Chen
Header Image: Jac Marino Chen [@jacmarino]. Former new age Believer. Instagram, June 20, 2023, https://www.instagram.com/p/Ctsbx7DrOwr/?img_index=1