In a detailed interview, Bryce, a former inmate, shared his powerful testimony of how God transformed his life.
Former Inmate Shared How God Win Him Over
Bryce was born at Desert Samaritan Hospital in Mesa and grew up in Chandler, where his family lived.
“I grew up going to church. But when I stopped living with my grandparents, I didn’t have to go to church anymore, so I just pushed it aside,” Bryce shared.
As he drifted from faith, Bryce began to question whether God was real. “Rather than seeking answers, I just said, ‘Screw it. I don’t even want to deal with it.’”
In 2008, Bryce was arrested for a DUI, but at the time, he thought it wasn’t a big deal. Unfortunately, it happened again.
Former Inmate Shared How God Win Him Over After Two DUIs
While in prison, Bryce struggled with bitterness, wanting nothing to do with God. But he also hated life behind bars.
“At the end of the day, prison stinks. The food’s terrible, you can’t see your family, you have no freedom, and you’re surrounded by the worst of the worst,” Bryce recalled.
Embracing a New Life
While Bryce was still incarcerated, his sister and mother were baptized at Sun Valley Community Church. They encouraged him to attend God Behind Bars, a ministry that brings church services into prisons.
Bryce decided to go, and that first Sunday changed his life.
“As soon as I walked in, I felt understood, like someone finally got what I was going through,” he said.
Bryce continued attending the services, finding comfort not only in God’s presence but also in the community around him.
Reference: Sun Valley Community Church
Header image: Bryce testifying [Sun Valley Community Church]. YouTube, 23 January 2024,