A former beauty queen and model states that “you cannot achieve your identity,” as your identity is something that is learned.
Former beauty queen
Venus Raj, a contestant in Miss Universe 2010, recently discussed the concept of a person’s identity. Many people believe that their identity is determined by the achievements they’ve accomplished and their socio-economic status. The former beauty queen noted that if that is how we perceive our identity, then we’ll never truly know who we truly are.
“If our identity is determined by what we achieve, then our identity will always be changing, because our ‘achievements’ are always changing. If our identity is always changing, then we will never know who we truly are, because ‘who we are’ is never the same from day to day, from moment to moment, from achievement to achievement.”

The Christian Think Tank PH [@TheChristianThinkTankPH]. Venus Raj. YouTube, December 5, 2023, https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02CfPGENdLtSDBvQ7hfYmbP73ekyEPcFRnSNqmN6Byt5qRWNecEUKfwnaMMrnsV9gQl&id=100063503029166&mibextid=qC1gEa&paipv=0&eav=AfaJNt-FnnrkhMAX4rjof5jtn_mUUZ6F2aRl0fyQIdH09k0Q4I65q15KTLyC43ym4oI&_rdr
Venus Raj
Our identity can’t be determined by our achievements; only Jesus can define who we are. Our identity comes solely from God; nothing else can truly define us.
“What defines our identity is not our achievements, but Who we represent. It is not what we do, but Whose name we stand and operate. Our identity is not achieved but received, and our value is not dependent on us, but on the One who died for us.”
Jesus died on the cross to restore our true identity as children of God. Never let society dictate who you are; always remember the sacrifice Jesus made for your real identity.
“The truth is that Christ came for US, Christ died for US, Christ resurrected for US, and Christ ascended for US, in obedience to God the Father, so that our real identity could be restored… our identity as children of God.”
Reference: Facebook | The Christian Think Tank PH
Header Image: The Christian Think Tank PH [@TheChristianThinkTankPH]. Venus Raj. YouTube, December 5, 2023, https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02CfPGENdLtSDBvQ7hfYmbP73ekyEPcFRnSNqmN6Byt5qRWNecEUKfwnaMMrnsV9gQl&id=100063503029166&mibextid=qC1gEa&paipv=0&eav=AfaJNt-FnnrkhMAX4rjof5jtn_mUUZ6F2aRl0fyQIdH09k0Q4I65q15KTLyC43ym4oI&_rdr