Don’t worry and don’t be anxious because God is working everything for good.
Patricia King
Patricia King shares a word of encouragement for everyone. The Christian minister is urging everyone not to worry and be anxious regardless of what is happening in the world right now, because we have God. As the pandemic broke out last year, many have been scared and anxious about many things. But the Lord is reminding us right now not to be worried.
“So many people around the world are fighting symptoms of the flu or they’ve lost their job or they worry about the economy or they can’t reach their loved ones. But the Lord is saying do not worry because I’m going to work everything together for good,” Patricia said.
Don’t Worry
Patricia then recalled what her father always tells their family in the past whenever they face a problem.
“Wait to worry. Don’t worry, don’t be anxious, just look to everything good,” her father used to tell them.
It was clearly written in the Scripture that we were told by the Lord to look on the good things. Because when we look at the good things, we attain hope, and that’s the one thing the world needs the most right now.
“We’re taught in Scripture to set our mind on things that are good and lovely and of good report. And as we do that, hope will build in our hearts,” she explained.
So always have hope in your hearts and always focus on the good things that the Lord is working on in your lives. Do not be worried nor anxious about anything and hold on to His promises.
“Be encouraged today and be encouraged tomorrow, and the day after and the day after because Jesus is greater than anything that you are facing right now.”
Read also: Fear Can Hinder You From Entering God’s Presence
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Reference: YouTube | GOD TV