Markus Mcfolling, a pro football player, once used the sport to fill a void in his life. But everything changed when he suffered a severe injury.
Markus Mcfolling, A Pro Football Player
Markus was imprisoned on June 16, 2017. He went from playing professional football to getting incarcerated. Because of his family’s situation growing up, he focused on playing football so he could do it professionally.
“After growing up in inner-city California, I was all too familiar with fatherlessness, poverty, and gangs. I tried to fill the voids I felt in my life with the game of football. Despite the adversities, I was able to play the game professionally,” he said.
He was very passionate about the sport and gave his best to become better and better. But her injured his shoulder. And that’s when everything changed.
“When I experienced a career-ending shoulder injury, all I knew crashed around me. With football gone, I felt no purpose and no identity and became addicted to taking the pain medication prescribed to me by my team doctors,” he said.
A Pro Football Player Sits In A Jail Cell
He was deceived by what drugs could offer. In less than two years, Markus had accumulated a number of felony arrest warrants his illegal behavior.
“I lied, manipulated, and even used false identities to get what I thought I needed. After seeing 38 doctors for 59 prescriptions in just a few months, my wife left me and took my daughter with her. And I found myself sitting inside a jail cell. I was confronted with the weight of my issues; I was lost and alone. I battled with thoughts about taking my life on my first Father’s Day,” he said.
But God touched his heart, so he made a decision that changed his life forever.
Giving His Life To Jesus
Markus wrote in his Instagram account:
“Someone I look up to says it like this: “I didn’t want my life anymore so I gave it to someone who did.” It took me losing everything to realize that everything I ever needed was Jesus. I pleaded guilty to all my charges and the judge had mercy on me and sent me to rehab. From that day on, Jesus transformed my life, called me Son, restored my family, and now I get to travel the country and tell people about the man I fell in love with and saved me from deception! I just want anyone that reads this to know that there is hope. His name is Jesus, and He loves you. He wants the mess, he wants the pain, the good, the bad—He wants ALL of you. Today is a good day to surrender,” he concluded.
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