A village chief in Kenya who has been arresting Christians for years has turned to Jesus Christ and accepted Him as Lord and Savior.
Village Chief
The village chief in Kenya who is a member of the Teso tribe has been persecuting Christians in their village for over 10 years. He has been arresting them because he believes that they have been steering away people from their tribal religious practices. However, the Lord has drawn him into His Kingdom.
One native Christian worker, who was often arrested, shared a message at a funeral. He talked about the hope of eternity in Christ and he also emphasized the need for one’s salvation. It was at that moment that the village chief felt convicted to accept Jesus Christ.
“The local chief who had been hostile to the church came forward during the funeral service and declared that he wanted to be born again and get saved because the gospel had changed him and he wanted forgiveness from the church,” the ministry leader testified.

(2023). Village Chief [Photograph], Retrieved April 13, 2023, from: www.https://www.mnnonline.org/news/persecutor-of-church-in-kenya-accepts-christ/
Follower of Jesus Christ
It was a Saul to Paul moment. The chief also got baptized and is a new creation in Christ.
“The whole village and other people that came for this funeral were moved by the boldness and transformation of this man from being hostile to the gospel to embracing it,” the leader said. “His life was changed forever. He was baptized recently, and he continues to testify daily to his friends and his people from that tribe. He has been discipled into the local fellowship.”
Today, he is now serving the Lord, proclaiming the Gospel to everyone in his village in his tribe. Testifying what Jesus has done for him.
Reference: Mission Network News
Header Image: (2023). Village Chief [Photograph], Retrieved April 13, 2023, from: www.https://www.mnnonline.org/news/persecutor-of-church-in-kenya-accepts-christ/