The difficult situations that we faced are the ones that are fueling the fire in our hearts that is burning all the unhealthy and unnecessary things in it.
Fire in our hearts
In an episode of Gather, hosts Jodie and Ben Hughes share words of encouragement with everyone. They are encouraging us to keep the fire in us burning bright. That fire in us is the one that is burning all the things that are unnecessary for us and are weighing us down to run the race of faith freely. And that fire is no other than God himself.
“The Bible says that God is a consuming fire, well a fire burns the dross, a fire burns the stuff… A fire helps burn the stuff that is unnecessary, the things that are unhealthy, the things that just hold us back and weigh us down. And I think if there’s a season where we need to have the stuff that weighs us down burned off, this is that season,” Jodie explained.
Keep the fire burning
Just like any other fire, once we ignore it for some time, it will just burn out. And for us to keep the fire of God in us burning, we have to intentionally fuel it up.
“The fire in our heart, just like a natural fire, needs to be intentionally continually stoked. If you just let the fire go, it’s just going to eventually burn out… So it’s so important that we’re actually, intentionally, maintaining that fire in our heart,” Ben said.
Our difficult and challenging situations produce oil that fuels up the fire in us. Just like how crushing olives produces oil, all the situations we have been through, that in some way crushed us, will also produce a priceless oil that we can offer to God.
“I’m going to take the oil from the things I’ve walked through so that the fire in me can burn even brighter.”
If you are someone who is going through a difficult situation, take heart and know that all your suffering will not be in vain. The Lord will turn your situation into something good.
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Reference: YouTube | GOD TV