Jesus said “It is Finished” on the Cross. These three powerful words finished the work He had come down to accomplish. The devil was given a death blow on the Cross. He had no idea that the crucifixion was meant to cancel his power. Jesus reversed the curse through the sin of Adam for eternity. He became the second Adam to redeem man from the curse of sin. This is the Good news of Good Friday. Many still mourn His death when we should rejoice and be glad. Now we can enjoy freedom from the power of sin through His resurrection power.
Resurrection Power
His resurrection power made applying His finished work on the Cross possible. Without His resurrection, His death would have been powerless to complete His salvation. His resurrection power makes His blood powerful and alive to cleanse and set free the sinner from the power of sin. God had planned it all from the beginning. He knew man had no power in himself to change. Throughout history, we see how His people were so weak to keep from sinning. Even the disciples could not stay awake in the garden of Gethsemane. Yet they were all changed when Jesus rose from the dead and took possession at Pentecost.
Pentecost sealed His mission for good. Now He is able to possess those who confess Him as Lord. His church is no more powerless but powerful to overcome. The gates of hell cannot prevail over His church. We must apply what Christ has possessed on our behalf. There is no other way to overcome than through Jesus’ blood. His blood applied through the power of the Holy Spirit will make us whole. Satan cannot stand the mention of His Name or His blood. Today let us rejoice in the finished work of Christ on the Cross.
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