Pastor Brian Guerin
The senior leader of Ascend Church, Pastor Brian Guerin, shared a powerful message with his congregation. He unpacked the key lessons written in Matthew 6:6 that people need to remember. Jesus shared with his disciples how to pray. He reminded them to go into their room and shut the door. According to Pastor Brian, this means people shouldn’t have any distractions.
“If you don’t have a door shut, quite often that’s why the Lord can’t knock on the door. This is what I’m trying to say here. He really needs some doors to knock on right now,” he highlighted. And when God’s manifest presence is with His people, healing, mental realignment, and freedom would take place. For him, God’s presence is everything.
Furthermore, he emphasized that the church would be just like another denomination or religion if God’s glory didn’t go with them. He also discussed that going to the secret place is like encountering the Creator of this universe. He encouraged them to stay there until God would knock. A transformation would happen the moment they experience God’s presence.

Brian Guerin. (Screenshot). (2024). The secret Place, Retrieved February 29, 2024 from:
Finding God in the Secret Place
Moreover, he explained the second part of the verse that says, “Pray to your Father who is in the secret place.” He discussed that Jesus gave His people one of the greatest keys in all of the scriptures. Then, he mentioned that the quickest way to find the Father is in secret. God sees things in secret. This implies that He dwells and looks to bless people in secret.
Lastly, he remarked, “I would propose this. If the openly backing of God is lacking, the secret place likely is. Because Bible’s super clear. He who goes into the closet shuts the door. Praise to your Father, he openly blesses. And not that it’s about it. It’s just the way He does it. It’s just how He gets glory.”
Watch the full sermon here.
Reference | Brian Guerin
Header Image: Brian Guerin. (Screenshot). (2024). The secret Place, Retrieved February 29, 2024 from: